Radio Totally Normal Toronto, or RTNT for short, is a voice for community mental health; produced by the members and staff of Progress Place, a mental wellness clubhouse in downtown Toronto.
Episode 30 was hosted on June 10th, 2020. This month we sat down with Steven Hughes. The episode was recorded using an online platform and all the participants were in their own homes to comply with the social distancing recommendation. On this episode we have an interview with Steven Hughes, a Laughter Yoga teacher and Education Specialist from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto. He has been a certified Yoga teacher since 1985 and today he is going to explain what Laughter Yoga is and what are its benefits to our physical and mental health. We think that this topic is important at this time because it can provide us with better ways to cope with stress and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Progress Place Warm Line have extended their hours to offer support to anyone feeling isolated or needing a friendly chat during these times. Between 12pm - 8pm, Call 416-323-3721 Between 8pm - Midnight, Call 416-960-WARM (9276) Text 647-557-5882 You can also chat online on Thank you to everyone that worked so hard to keep the RTNT production going through these times. Thank you to our listeners, and we want to let you know that you are not alone. During these uncertain times, stay connected with a community that supports you can help us go through the worry and overwhelming news. We are here for you. To learn more about RTNT or listen to previous episodes please check out our website Also, the show is now streaming on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast and many more if you search up Radio Totally Normal Toronto.
June 2024